Saturday, December 20, 2014


Today is Saturday.  It has been a good day and a bad day.  Our old dog Annie died today.  I hope that during your life, you will be blessed to own and love many, many dogs.  They will give you unconditional love.  On a good note, we bought a new car today.  Hope to see you many times in it and take you to many exciting places.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Welcome Home Jude

Today, you came home.  Ask your father one day how bad the traffic is during rush hour in Savannah.  It's not that way here.

Enjoy Maggie and keep a ball near at all times.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pictures your father took on your first day.

When I first saw this, I instantly saw my grandfather, Henry Thompson.  It is unreal how much you looked like him.  I wish you could have known and loved him. He was the kindest man I ever knew.  I never got angry.  He gave us candy from his store every time we visited with him in Adrian.  We called him Gran.  That is why I chose to have you call me Gran as well.  I hope we can be together for a long long time.


Dear Jude:

first saw you just after nine o'clock on the Ides of December 2014.  Your grandparents and your father waited all day long for you to be born.  Your mother had a very hard time because you were so big you didn't want to come out.

Your father had been very nervous all day.  He hadn't slept much the night before on the meager bed that hospitals give expecting fathers to try and sleep on.  He wasn't eating much.

He came out to the waiting room of St. Josephs' Hospital to tell us that the doctors were going to operate on your mom, since you were too big to be born the natural way.

They took your mom down about 8 o'clock.  Officially you were born at 8.53. I guessed 8:48 earlier in the day.  So, I was pretty proud about that prognostication.

I had known that your father was going to be with your mom and he would be wearing blue hospital scrubs, but when he came out after you born, I didn't dawn on me that he wasn't the doctor.

He was so proud.  It was almost like he was announcing a ball game.  I'll tell you about that later.  He was reciting your stats, 9 pounds 6.5 ounces, 22 inches long and when we could go back to see you and when your mom would wake up from the operation.

Your dad posted on Facebook later that it was the best day of his life.  I was one of my best too.

You will be told this many times, but you were named for Paul McCartney's song, "Hey Jude."

On this first day of your life, it is my sincerest desire that for all of your life, I wish than when you hear or see a sad song, that you use all of your power, will and soul to make that sad song a better song.

So happy first birthday, Jude.

